Photo Trips (also known as vacation)

One of my motivators for great photography is traveling to new destinations. I enjoy finding my way through a new location and not only hitting the highlights, but finding a feature that makes each place special. A departed photographer friend used to say, "Luck favors the prepared." No truer words have been spoken in the photography realm. Knowing your camera and being prepared to capture the scene is usually all that is needed. But luck doesn't hurt either. I've had some luck with right time, right place many times with camera in hand. Lisa Hale Photos Photo Trips encompass all this knowledge, skill, and even the luck (!) with each day and each planned activity so that everyone has a chance to capture better, more special, highlights in beautiful destinations. The photos shown below are some of my favorite images from traveling and are all copyright protected. If anything strikes your fancy and you want to own an image, please inquire.